Friday, February 26, 2010

Saturday oh Saturday where have you gone?

Fellow Fossils:
its another Brrr day. Only 22 degrees here in Harrison and with a planned high of 49. This high we can expect around 4:30 no matter what you've heard; 4:30 is the time.

The ride for tomorrow is CALLED OFF due to frigid temps. Yes, FGM is a wimp. My idea of a nice ride is not freezing my b'gibbers off. I like the rides to start at 45 degrees not 22. So even though the days are getting longer its not yet possible to start at 4:30 and let all get home before dark. Dark time = cold time at least for February.

Here's hoping for nicer days so we can ride. I miss seeing you. :(

Shiftless Sister


Bill Luinetti said...

Bill #3 here: Maxine, I have two assumptions about the ride-starts that I wanted voice with you: (1) 4:30 PM ??, and (2) unless you say otherwise, does the club always leave from Scenic City Motorscooter?

Thanks Maxine, and keep your socks dry.

Bill #3

MR. Bones said...

Bill, I was talking that 4:30 PM was the warmest.
No, ride starts vary and are announced.
Thanks for being a member.
BTW I did go to the Charleston sock factory today and got new warm socks for riding. 50 cents a pair and up. I plan to have a ride there when the weather breaks.
Shiftless sister

Anonymous said...


Bill #3 said...

Thanks, Mr. Bones. When I reread S.Sister's comment again, I got it! Her reference was to the warmest part of the day...not to a potential ride start. Got it.

Bill #3

Anonymous said...

Are the FOSSILS going to ride on Sunday, March 7th? I have a Lions event in Cookeville tomorrow, but Sunday is forecast to be weather SUPER!
