Friday, December 17, 2010

FGM says be a'll be warmer

So there! I found these at Both for under 100.00 including shipping. For 2011 I am going to one scooter rally a month. In January its :"FYBoff" in Durham NC. It's a free polar bear type rally. So I want to be warm while riding. No sense in going to a rally and not riding. If it stops raining and sleeting we'll have a ride.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Announcing the newest Achievement award

Congratulations to Doc Tracy and Lee Smith for being the first recipients of the newest Fossil achievement.
First there was the Goddess award, then the "In the Wind" award and now the latest. And its a patch!

During the "Enough Turkey and Football ride" these brave riders met a dog. The ride had been searched for dogs, potholes, and other ride interrupters Saturday but this dog was not found.
Through quick thinking, agility and good balance our brave Fossils get awarded the prize.
The dog went home with nothing.

Lee, check your mail for the patch.

Shiftless Sister.

In the Wind award goes to Lee smith

FGM bestows the last "In the Wind" award this year to Lee Smith. Lee is a daily rider of Deathstar his Agility. Be sure to check out his unique paintjob and the aftermarket bling. He joins the list of club members whose scoot is their daily driver.
We're glad to have this future Fossil among our riders.

Monday, November 29, 2010

BRRR it was cold but two new members braved it

We rode! It was clear but cold as we rode for about 1 hour and 30 miles through Hamilton County. I think it made 50 degrees. This has prompted me to start to make a scooter skirt.
Point of clarity: for all rides starting at Harrison Bay, we will now start at the first building as you enter the park. Mea Culpa.

Welcome new members Jim Coleman on his Sym HD 200 and Lee Smith on his Kymco Agility 125
From left to right:
->Tony Boydston, who rode his very sweet pimped out Stella. Does she have a name?
->Lee Smith, does your scoot have a name? It runs like a scalded dog.
->Bill Levy who brought Sophia his 1960 Lambretta [a gift from FGM for 35 years of happy marriage]
->Bill Tracy who rode Zippy, his buddy 125
->Dave Hawk on his new ride: Kymco like200i. It's a really sweet tomato red color. Does your scoot have a name?
-> Jim Coleman - does your scoot have a name? Jim is married to my long time friend Gayle Coleman.
-> I was taking the picture and rode my BlackJack, that shall remain nameless to keep its stealth.

WE took mostly sideroads and saw only four cars. Rides on this side of the river are usually just casual with few hills but they do have turns. Only one mishap and we ended up at my house for drinks of warmth, cookies, and nuts.

We will try for a December ride.

shiftless sister

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Be sure your ride has a full tank. The last gas station that has pay at pump is Kangaroo right next to the Harrison Post Office.
We will meet @ Harrison Bay State Park in the front by the register campers bldg. It is closed but there is a parking lot. Restrooms are down in the marina area. There is a gas station across from the park which will be open. You need to go inside to pay.

So we will leave @ 1:30.
The ride is 33 miles long and will take close to one hour. We ran it today and all the roads are clear. this is a nice and easy ride on country roads.

The ride will end at our house for cookies and drinks.

Shiftless Sister

Friday, November 26, 2010

Enough turkey and football ride announced

If you've had enough turkey and football this weekend plan to join this ride.

When: Sunday November 28 1:30 PM ride begins
Where: Harrison Bay Park on Harrison Bay Road

Join us for a colorful ride. Details to be posted tomorrow.

Shiftless Sister

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

OCTOBERFEST Ride this Saturday 10/23/2010

Please join us for a holiday ride to the Octoberfest at the downtown Market.

Meet @ Scenic City Scooters.

Ride Capt. Tony Boydston

Leave time: 10:30 so be there early

We'll go through town and end up at the Market about 12:30.

Bill and Maxine Levy will be at the Vintage VW spot at the market so we'll see them there.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Saturday's Route:

View Cash Canyon Run in a larger map

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fall Colour Cruise: September 25, 2010. Meet at Scenic City Scooters at 8:30. The ride will be around Tiftonia followed by a jaunt up the mtn to the TVA stored water facility. If rain probability is above 39% the ride will be rescheduled for Oct 2.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

FREE IN Town Rally-WOOHOO-Oct 1-3 save the dates

Hill City United is holding a city rally. Let's be the club with the most member in attendance. It starts on Friday Oct first and goes through Sunday. check them out by calling:
Scenic City Scooters 875-6445 or emailing Jen Obal. Her email is

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Damn its been hot and other things

We need to ride. Any member who has ideas for a ride contact Bill Tracy , Bill Levy or just leave a note. Bill and I are finally finishing up 'keeping the house from falling down' or London Bridges in Harrison. We should be ready to ride by mid-month without coming home to trouble.

Weather has also been a factor in keeping up from riding but enuf with the excuses.

Let me know if you have a ride idea. 309.7659

wish I were in the wind...,.,FGM

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Welcome new member

Hi all
Our newest member if Chuck Jones. chuck has a Buddy 125 that is read and black. He's from Chattown so we hope to see him at many rides.
Just as a reminder to all FGM gives awards to members. The "In the Wind" award was very popular last summer. It was given to any member whose primary transportation is a scooter; daily rider sorta thing.
The next "Goddess Award" is given for bravery, fun, whatever is seemed to be a benefit to the club. Last year "Third Bill" sending in photos picked one up.

Ride often and be safe.

If the damn house would stop falling down we'd be scheduling a ride. :(

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Member's scooter for sale

2008 Seafoam green 125 Buddy. Runs great. 3600 =/- miles.
$2000.00 OBO
Call Kate L @ 423-637-6182

yeah i've been busy

Since the lsat posting i've found out the reason for ongoing maintenance. So I've been involved with lots and lots of house fixing. With the 10/25/ and 50 year guarantees I hope it will be a long time before this much work is going to be needed. It took all our time and had people in the house all the time. So my plan is back to scootering.

Shiftless Sister

Friday, April 9, 2010

Sock Run: Monday 4/12 a ride up to Cleveland, TN to visit/purchase at the sock factory outlet store. Will meet at 11:30 AM at Scenic City Scooters, ride to Maxine's house in Harrison and then proceed to Cleveland to the wonderful world of socks. They have great buys, so if you need socks bring money because they don't take plastic. Let me know if you are riding with us.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Spring Ride!!!!

Thinking of an after Easter ride, sometime during a mid week. Travel down the TN River canyon to Marion Co and back to Chattanooga via Suck Mtn. Give me some idea about good dates. Post them on the blog.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Big Easy Weekender Rally

Fossils you are on your own this weekend. If you want to ride better call Doc Tracy or send emailto
Mr. Bill and I are going to an all makes rally in NOLA.
I want to hear the great weather chant all weekend but especially on Friday and Saturday the ride days.
I'll take pics for posting, Bill will get new members and Fossils will b e known throughout the South.

take care
shiftless sister

Sunday, March 21, 2010

from the 3rd dimension...3rd Bill's view of last ride

From the Southside Cityscape ride. This captures Tony's first ride with the club. If you want to see these views in person let the ride cap't know.

FGM - shiftless sister

FGM works best in spurts

Here's the pix of Bill Levy's new sidecar. That's Bill Tracy seated for his inaugural ride. I think this was after the tire was filled. LOL
Yes, I think there will be sidecar racing in any rally we hold....more on that later
aka shiftless sister

Another new member

Congratulations to James Killian[right] on the purchase of his new scoot. Its a 250 Kymco. You may recognize that gent shaking hands with James. Its Hugh Schein from Scenic City Scooters here in 'nooga. Hugh, Kathy and Stan, Jen and Lily Obal are great supporters of us Fossils.

Member update and mea culpas are due

FGM here with lots of pictures and videos I've neglected to post til now. check out the next few posts and see if you are in the pics or videos.
Welcome to our newest members:
Tony Boydston owner of 2 Hondas a 50 ruckus and 125 [sorry Tony didn't get the model.] and Christi Greene owner of a 125 Buddy.

shiftless sister

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Ride tomorrow...that's right tomorrow

Not wanting to give up this wonderful weather I"m calling for a ride tomorrow.
I hope all y'all come to enjoy the wonderful weather.

Meetin' place: Dunkin Donuts on Hwy 153 across from Northgate Mall

Time: 2 PM to last no longer than 1.5 hours unless we all agree
Ride: I think its called South Side City-Scape and Beyond

see you there
Shiftless Sister aka FGM

Friday, February 26, 2010

Saturday oh Saturday where have you gone?

Fellow Fossils:
its another Brrr day. Only 22 degrees here in Harrison and with a planned high of 49. This high we can expect around 4:30 no matter what you've heard; 4:30 is the time.

The ride for tomorrow is CALLED OFF due to frigid temps. Yes, FGM is a wimp. My idea of a nice ride is not freezing my b'gibbers off. I like the rides to start at 45 degrees not 22. So even though the days are getting longer its not yet possible to start at 4:30 and let all get home before dark. Dark time = cold time at least for February.

Here's hoping for nicer days so we can ride. I miss seeing you. :(

Shiftless Sister

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

ride photos from 2.21.2010

So these are pictures our newest member, Bill [ ya another Bill] took. I think they came out great. No matter how much I go to the "Y" i'm still the short one.
Bill Levy and I rode from Harrison to the Dayton Bridge and Bill and Bill rode up the Soddy side. We ended up at the Cherokee Removal Site. It's almost complete but worth the ride to see the beautiful river and the marble memorial.
Now as to Saturday's ride; it doesn't look good.....temp won't get above 45 for the day and will drop to 26 the night before. BRRRR! But all could change I'll keep you posted.

Shiftless Sister

Monday, February 22, 2010

New member

WElcome Bill Luinetti. Bill found us via this blog. WOOHOO
A beautiful day found him joining Bill, Bill, and me on an impromptu ride. Bill's scoot is a 2009 Yamaha Zuma. I am sooo jealous of the handshields that came with it. My hands have been freezing in this cold cold weather.

So Fossils look forward to a ride next Saturday pending weather, ouch I hate to say that once again. We'll start from Scenic City @11:00. Ride Captn has yet to share the course but i"m betting it will no longer than 1.5 hours.

Shiftless Sister

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Check these reflectors out.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year

Results from the first ride of 2010 will post ASAP.
Fossils resolution: more rides each month.

Aftermath of the Inaugural Ride

Nothing could stop us....We are the Fossils, We are the Fossils, We are the Fossils of the World. Don't know the tune well you are too old or too young.
The first ride of 2010 went off without any problems. Leaving from FGM's we traversed a route that took us on Hwy 58, Ooltewah Georgetown Road, across Interstate 75 and off to Collegedale. Too bad the Village Market was closed I would have loved some Texas Caviar. The ride home was uneventful.
I've not been keeping real records but I'm sure that yesterday's ride which topped off at 39 F, was the coldest ride ever.
FGM's BlackJack is in the shop. It needs to have a January 2010 ride on its list; so check back soon to see the next planned ride.