Friday, December 17, 2010

FGM says be a'll be warmer

So there! I found these at Both for under 100.00 including shipping. For 2011 I am going to one scooter rally a month. In January its :"FYBoff" in Durham NC. It's a free polar bear type rally. So I want to be warm while riding. No sense in going to a rally and not riding. If it stops raining and sleeting we'll have a ride.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

FGM, we have very nice lap blankets made by Corazzo for $99.00
While we have sold out, we will have more in the store early next week. All Corazzo product is excellent quality and produced in North America. The mitt looks like a great idea I had not seen before. I will pass that on to Corazzo for their consideration.
Stay Warm.
Scenic City Scooters