Saturday, March 6, 2010

Ride tomorrow...that's right tomorrow

Not wanting to give up this wonderful weather I"m calling for a ride tomorrow.
I hope all y'all come to enjoy the wonderful weather.

Meetin' place: Dunkin Donuts on Hwy 153 across from Northgate Mall

Time: 2 PM to last no longer than 1.5 hours unless we all agree
Ride: I think its called South Side City-Scape and Beyond

see you there
Shiftless Sister aka FGM


Bill Luinetti said...

I am psyched!

Bill #3

acemod said...

I just wanted to tell you guys how much enjoyed meeting and riding with you guys! It was a really enjoyable experience and one I plan to repeat as the weather gets better. I just purchased a 1984 Honda Aero 125 and I plan on restoring it. Any helpful advice on doing this would be greatly appreciated as I am a novice. Tony Boydston