Thursday, October 11, 2012

10-06-2012 Parade pix! and new club [gang] updates

WE had a blast last Saturday! Jean Ann, Mr. Bill, James Killian, and me. At least some of us have a parade to our name.  Next year we're invited again.

This coming Saturday's meet-up at DD will be our last there until Spring.  Saturday workers have been begging for Sunday rides and, it's getting colder so a later time will be more comfortable.

Starting Sunday, October 21st we will meet at DD at 1:30 .  We have some color cruise rides planned and a weekday ride to the sock factory in Cleveland to get our cheap cheap cheap Smartwool socks[$2 per pair]. they have Car-hart and others. Never know what'll be there.  And as a special treat stopping at Scoops and Burgers for the one and only grape ice cream.  Way better than it sounds. Just like Nehi grape.

So come one come all to this last Saturday ride to Spring.
shiftless sister


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