Thursday, March 5, 2009


Yesterday I learned of the death of Ellen Pitman. She was a long time scooter enthusiast, and daily rider, and wonderful person.
Bill and I most often saw her on the pink Buddy on McCallie at the end of the day.
"In the Wind" is posted in her memory.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ellen was a joy to be around; her love for her scooter was very evident. She told us a few weeks ago that it had saved her job, as BS (before scooter) she had depended on Carta...which was not very dependable. We attended her funeral yesterday and it was heartwarming to see and hear the people that were closest to her; it made me wish we had known her better. Ronnie "Rock" Land led a group of Christian Motorcyclists there as well, and they were asked to lead the procession to the cemetery. What an emotional experience and what a tribute to Ellen and to the entire 2-wheel community in this city, no matter what you ride. We were made better just to know Ellen a little bit...Kathy