Tuesday, December 15, 2009

How about a New Years Day ride? Start the year on two wheels weather permitting. Cold will not deter the ride, but rain, snow, or freezing fog will. Suggestions on a destination welcome.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

more on the Saturday Browntown special ride

Hi all,
FGM back again about Saturday's ride.
We will leave from Scenic City Scooters @ 1P.M.
The founders will be there at noon to check out the Open House.
It's good there is a ride captain to make sure all the information is correct.
See ya on Saturday.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Browntown Special Color Cruise this Saturday

Hey, its FGM with news. Saturday we will ride unless its raining.
Meet up will be at Scenic City Scooters http://www.sceniccityscooters.com/
@noon on Sat, November 14th.
It's their OPEN HOUSE from 11:30am – 4:00pm with BBQ. There will be time to grab a snack and/or browse what's new at the shop.
So bring any new riders along with you for this Autumn Excursion. It should take about 2 hours.
See you then.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Ride Sat Aug 22. Up Robert's Mill Rd and down the W. Leave Scenic City Scooters at 8:15 AM. Should be a relatively short ride. Let me know who is riding along.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Anyone up for a trip to Chickamulga Battlefield and back via Missionary Ridge? Planning on leaving Scenic City Scooters at 8:00 Saturday, Aug 1.

Monday, July 13, 2009

What's the story morning glory?

Congrats to all of the early risers. Ben Levy says since we are Fossils he knew we were just getting "another early bird" special. Who cares what he thinks.
Everyone who rode gets 5 points since it rained.
To collect your points, this is just for yesterday, send a comment with your name. NO comment on why this has to be.
The country roads were great! Coming back to our house we had several ideas about future rides. Ideas were out Hwy 27, out to Ocoee, and over WhiteOak mtn.

So thanks for coming and we'll see ya as soon as the road capt. makes a new ride. He also should be putting the pictures online here.

shiftless sister

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Goddess Award

The second quarter Goddess Award goes to .....[drum roll if you pretend]...richardDREW. Congratulations Richard! I know we'll see you on many more rides. We'd miss your sandals and great spirit. smile

Shiftless Sister

countdown clock

Aren't you tired of seeing the blank countdown clock? Well so am I. I'm going to get it fixed.
Shiftless Sister

Country roads 7/12/2009 ride

I'll answer your mail.
I love riding on rainy days and there are 5 points for rain rides....even two drops.

Next we are trying to have rides alternating SAT/SUN to meet the desires of all you Fossils. Making it early leaves times for church before noon; depending on your church. Unless this ride is rain delayed; the next ride will be on a Saturday or late afternoon.
I checked http://wunderground.com while posting. the rain chances are 10% until 11:00 AM. Everyone should be home by then.

More on tomorrow's ride. Total miles from Hwy 153 and Hwy 58 is 40 miles. There will be two planned stops for fuel, rest, and other necessities. One will be at the second gas station we pass. This is 8 miles from the park. The second stop will be @Hwys 58 & 60 intersection. This is about 19 miles from the start. So all can plan gas etc.
Of course we will stop more often as needed.

We will now finish @ Levy's for a special snack:German chocolate & caramel brownies and fruit. There will be lemonade, ginger-ale, and water.


Shiftless Sister

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Rain rain go away

We've were rained out, rats!
Let's plan on next Sunday unless there is a major conflict.
Call Bill Tracy or Bill Levy or leave a comment.

Same time same place same ride

Shiftless Sister

Saturday, June 27, 2009

The last ride and more

Well I'm in the groove now about my rad treatment so I think posts will be more timely. Can it be true that we have been a club for over one year? Yep, and getting more members each month.
The following went on the ride: George, Richard, Drew, Buddy, Bill G, and Hugh. Riders earned ride points toward the Goddess award and the founders were all present. Thanks to George for planning the ride. There was lots to see on these new roads.
I sure hope everyone is keeping track of their points. Comment on this post to let me know how many points you have earned.
Jay Hopkins joined the club. He rides a red People 250. I sure hope he makes the next ride.

I'm planning the next ride on Sunday July 5th. If it goes well maybe the ride capt. will let me plan another one.
We will meet at Harrison Bay State Park @ 8AM. We'll ride up Harrison Bay road to Birchwood Pike where we turn right. We ride to Hwy 58. At that corner we take a left and ride just a short way to Career Lane. Turing right on Career Lane we ride to the four corners where this road meets Ooltewah Georgetown Rd. This is a gas and rest stop. Then we turn left onto Ooltewah Georgetown rd and head up to Hwy 60. This is a long flat road with good views and usually few cars.
At Hwy. 60 we make a left [ yep we're making a large square] and ride through the Hwy 60/Hwy 58 intersection.[We can stop at the gas station as needed]. Continuing on Hwy 60 we ride until we turn left onto Birchwood Pike, another scenic ride with farms and some big turns; but no sharp switchbacks. Finally we'll turn left onto Harrison Bay rd and end up back at the park.

So I hope you'll join us. There will be a rain date scheduled if there are real storms.

See you soon,
Shiftless Sister

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Scooter Auction at Scenic City

Saturday, June 20th at 11AM Scenic City will auction off a 2005 Kymco Grand Vista 250. It's in great condition.
I'm pretty sure a new model goes for about 5K; so this could be your chance to get one with very few miles. I'll bet it goes for a real reasonable price.
Call for information or go by the shop to see this scoot. Hugh will be happy to tell you what you need to know.

Our ride will be back in time for interested Fossils to bid.
So seeya on Saturday @ 8AM at Scenic City.

Shiftless Sister

Ride creations

The founders would love to have members create rides. They can be late afternoon since the sun sets 'bout 8 or on alternating Sat/Sun on weekends. Comment on this post of email wftracy@bellsouth.net

We want to have more than one rider per month.

IN the Wind

I've found some new images to express the greatness of the daily rider. This time we salute Kay Arrowsmith. Her scoot has over 7K and she rides it all the time.
Congratulations Kay.
Remember In the Wind awards go to daily riders. We'd love to see you on the club rides but that's the winning ticket.

Shiftless Sister and Mr. Bones will be taking daily rides to Memorial for her rad treatments. If you'd like us to come and visit you after, it would be around 9am just send us a message. We will be going for 6 to 8 weeks M-F.

New members

Welcome to new members George Barber and Ralph Messner. They rode with us; Ralph on a Friday night to Nightfall and George on weekend rides.
George is the planner behind the upcoming Saturday ride. We meet @ ScenicCity at 8AM and return in time for the auction.

Ride points go to Kay, George, Richard, Hugh, and Ryan for the weekend ride and to Ralph for the Nightfall ride. No rain as I recall so one point. I think that Richard is in the lead for the quarterly Goddess award. I sure how more of you Fossils so up on Saturday.

On behalf of Mr. Bones, membership
shiftless sister

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The start time for the 20 June ride has been changed to 8:00 AM. Two reasons: Heat, and we need to be back at the Scooter Shop by 11:00 for an auction. This will be followed by lunch at the Shop.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Lets do a pre Summer Ride on Lookout Mtn. George Barber who lives up there will be laying out the mountain route. One of our destinations will be Johnson's Crook, as for other points, George is weaving an epic route as you read this. We will be leaving from Scenic City Scooters at 9:00 AM on the 20 of this month. In case of rain we will do the run on the 27th. We are planning on lunch after the ride.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Saturday, May 30, '09. This ride saw us doing the Cash Canyon Trail as well as the TVA facility on Racoon Mtn followed by a pizza feast at Scenic City Scooters.

The Man of the Day.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The last ride and more

The last ride made me think that some folks needed a little more encouragement to get out and ride. The founders are aware that there are other commitments. We are having rides on Saturdays and Sundays. We will be having late afternoon weekday rides as the days get longer.
That brings me to ride points.
Lately I have been awful at remembering all your names. So while riding I thought how could I get all riders names but not sound so bad. I needed a way to have names written down. This led me to ride points.

There will be ride points given for each ride. Usually 1 point per ride unless other factors appeal to me. Rain rides will be honored with 5 points per rider. Founders will not qualify.

I am generally not using this blog for personal writing. The countdown calender doesn't count as it shows when I can be a full-time fossil and full-time rider. But I digress.

I will be having radiation therapy for 6-8 weeks for diagnosed and removed breast canser. So this may interfere with my plans as I am hoping to have a mid-summer barbecue @ my house. This will all depend on how I feel. There will be one when the rewards will be given for ride points and ride points will count towards Goddess Awards.

"In the Wind" will still be awarded to those who ride daily to work or use their scoot as their daily ride.

Finally, I am still choosing a name for the new scoot. Please send your ideas in comments.

Look for another post about new members.

shiftless sister

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Any one up for a ride on the Cash Canyon Road on Saturday, May 30?
Riders will depart from Scenic City Scooters at 9:00AM. This should be a relatively short run, probably lasting about 2 hours. I have no idea what kind of road conditions we may encounter so who knows for sure how long it will be?

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sunday, 5/24/09. The start of the May Run (While still dry). These are the riders who do not fear a bit of rain.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

NIghtfall and Canyon ride

Well a solid 4 Fossils showed up. More scooters that last year. I'm still gonna try to get the parking sign up.

tomorrow is the canyon ride. unless its raining at 8:30 count on Mr. Bill and Shiftless Sister to be at Scenic City Scooters at 9

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

and a good time was had by all

I think the Spring Open House at Scenic City was great. I saw many of our members there.
Bill and Phyllis, Richard and Annie, and Sherrie and John. And so cute was Stan Obel with Lillie in the crook of his arm.
I bought a FABOO new helmet, satin black like the scoot. I"ll be so chic.

When Nightfall starts, possibly this Friday, scootguys and scootergirls will meet up @Scenic City. I think its 6:15 so check their site. I plan to make a parking sign "scooters only".

Remember the t-shirts? Well Jen @Scenic City is going to be silk screening t-shirts so we will be able to get a smaller amount. We can now use the dino on the scoot logo. I am also trying to have the logo digitized so I can machine embroider it.

shiftless sister

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Time for the first organization ride for '09. Let's plan on another run down the Tennessee River Canyon. How does Sunday, May 24 th starting at 9:00 from Scenic City Scooters sound? Plan on bringing a lunch as this will be a long ride.

Friday, May 15, 2009

It's raining It's pouring

Right now its thundering and pouring here in Harrison. Doesn't look good for the ride tomorrow but we'll see around 11:30 tomorrow morning.
Hope to see everyone there


shiftless sister

hey what happened to the color choices? oh well just pretend its my green

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


FOSSILS we will NOT be meeting up prior to ride together to Scenic City for the open house. We should still try to make a showing of our club around 12:15.

We will have a club ride in the next two weeks. Suggestions welcome for the route or destination. Comment here or contact Ride Captain Bill Tracy wftracy@bellsouth.net or Bill Levy at 394-6776

If it rains we're driving our car.Let's have a good showing.

shiftless sister

Monday, May 11, 2009

Scenic City Spring Open House This Saturday

Hi you fossils,
We're planning to go to Scenic City for the Open House. We'll collect all the riders on the Harrison side and then pick up riders on the Hixson/Soddy-Daisy/Red Bank side and try to get to the shop around 12:30
I'll post specifics tomorrow or Wednesday.
Also I'm planning to get started on the second quarter "In the Wind" and Goddess Awards so take to the road.

shiftless sister

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


This Saturday is the Red Bank Jubilee. Scenic City Scooters invites all scooterists to be in the parade. Be at Scenic City Scooters between 9 and 9:15 AM. The parade will start at 10 and last 35-45 minutes.
Let's have a good turnout.

shiftless sister

Friday, April 17, 2009


More good news for our friends at Scenic City Scooters. Besides being a finalist is the small business competition in Chattanooga which was already an exceptional achievement

Scooter-News.com honored Scenic City as the April scooter shop of the month.

shiftless sister

all is well -- exciting events

Shiftless Sister here.
Surgery went well and recovery seems it will be easy.

Congratulations to Jen and Stan Obal on the birth of Lilyana. Love and happy life Miss Lily.

Finally everyone should get out and support Scenic City in the vintage swap meet tomorrow; at the store at 9AM.

What a wonderful Spring.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wishing Shiftless Sister a speedy and unexciting recovery from her recent surgery.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The black jack is here

Hiya Fossils,

Can you see what is different about the BJ thanks to Bill Levy?
By the way I have no name so ideas are welcome.

What a great day for a ride. Once again Bill saved my arse.
I"ll be off the road for a while but I"ll try to be keeping up with y'alls doings.

Shiftless Sister

Friday, April 10, 2009

What I have to say about this rain


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Coming from GM by 2012

Sunday, April 5, 2009

April Ride Time. The weather may be growing nicer and it is time to think of new journeys. Any thoughts?
Funny video on Funnyplace.org

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Black Jack arrives

Picked up the new scoot. its a Buddy Black Jack... so sweet

shiftless sister

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Here's a small picture of a T-shirt we can get. It is just like our cards. Call Bill Levy if you want cards.
Top line:
Fossils Scooter Club
Under the line says:
no dues no meetings just rides

The current price is $9.49 plus shipping.
Here's what I will do: Anyone who wants a shirt(s) should email: shiftlesssister@gmail.com with name and size. They come S/M/LG/XL/XXL [add 1.99]

At the end of each month I will send in the order so we will only have to pay shipping once. Sometimes I get a 25% off coupon. So I'll order the total and divide the cost by the number of shirts. The more ordered the prices goes down and shipping will be really cheap. No profit is made. shiftless sister

1st Quarter "In the Wind" salute

2009's first winner of the "In the Wind" salute is
Lynn Crawford. Lynn rode his Burgman 650 to work throughout the winter. He missed only six days.
How awesome! ^5 to ya Lynn

It's great having you as a member.

Shiftless Sister

Cleveland quilt show ride

Yesterday's ride was great. Bill, Bill,Lynn and I met at Harrison Bay and took off over White Oak Mountain. Some of us came prepared for rain. Bill Levy was saying the mist would blow out and he was right. As we rode the sun came out and it was a glorious day. It was so calm; few cars and a few bikes, but for the most part it was us and our scooters. It was the first Saturday in March so entry was free. Its free on all first Saturdays.

We were welcomed by several docents and shown how to vote for our favorite. There were many rooms of quilts. I think the oldest quilt was from the early 1800s and passed down through family hands. There were many made just for this competition. One, number 47 was so intricately cut and sewn it looked like solid pieces of fabric, not pieced. There was a room were women were learning the crochet and many other classes are held. To support the museum I bought 12 applications for a handsewn quilts made from found but torn quilts. Bettye Crawford came later. Bettye really loved the exhibit. She wants to learn to quilt and does Lynn. Who knows maybe they will create something for the FOSSILS.

The museum also has the history of copper in our area and other appalachian artifacts. There are 5 minute videos in each area.

There are many other things to see in Bradley and nearby Polk counties.
Let's plan another ride. Check back later for new member updates, club offers, and the 2009 1st quarter "In the Wind" salute.

yours in the wind
Shiftless Sister

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Yesterday I learned of the death of Ellen Pitman. She was a long time scooter enthusiast, and daily rider, and wonderful person.
Bill and I most often saw her on the pink Buddy on McCallie at the end of the day.
"In the Wind" is posted in her memory.

more on the Saturday ride

HI all
We will start from Harrison Bay Park. Meet right at the first building on the main road.
10 AM

shiftless sister

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

warmer weathers coming

Saturday is the free admission to the Cleveland community center. There is a wonderful quilt show and contest. Bill Levy and I plan to go.
We are itchin to scoot a little
contact us if you want to ride
nudge nudge hint hint

shiftless sister

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Free treats

Since many Fossils are on a fixed budget and the rest of us have lower budgets {thank you wall street} here are some freebies:
April 21 Ben & Jerry's one free cone
April 29 Baskin Robbins a scoop for 31 cents
July 11 7-Eleven A free 7 oz.Slurpee
Sept. 24 Coldstone Creamery a free ice cream treat (donation to Make-A-Wish is encouraged)

we could take a ride to Ben and jerry's B&R and Coldstone huh? Huh? nudge nudge

Saturday, February 7, 2009

A Ride with a View

Here's a quick summation of today's ride
up up up up up
turn turn turn turn
down down down down
What a view!
switchback switchback switchback switchback
whew small straightaway
curve curve curve
up up up
turn turn turn
down down down

I really enjoyed it. Hope all the riders did.

Shiftless Sister

Friday, February 6, 2009

Saturday Ride. Leaving at high noon (12:00) from Scenic City Scooters. About a 2 hour, slow ride with a return to Scenic City. Weather looks ideal. Sorry about the short notice, but just couldn't pass up this unexpected nice day.


I think this is a great game.
I do worry about the outside Chatttown members. Send comments on what you think.
Is this fair to Oak Ridge members for example?

Ride Captain's Secret Secret Ride

The ride will start tomorrow at Scenic City Scooters-Dayton Blvd- at noon
Capt. says it will be about 2 hours.
We're trying ride any day the weather is good.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Scooter Tag

OK! I'm finally on board, so lets get started. I'll start by being "It" -- here's my "Tag." (Ignore the photo-date please.)

To become "It" and post your own Tag, you have to find this location, photograph your scooter there (not necessarily in the same position.)

You may then find your own "Tag" (limited to within 25 miles of downtown Chattanooga, please!) which has to be visible from a public roadway suitable for scooters and unmistakable.

There's a 5-day time limit to find and post your Tag; after that, anyone is free to re-start the game, first posting is "IT."

The date of your posting should appear in the "Label" for your post, and the elapsed time for someone to find your Tag determines how tough it was.

If we want to have some kind of award system, we have to keep track of elapsed times (days, we don't want to get too fussy and have to track hours, minutes and seconds) to see who comes up with the most obscure Tag. Opinions on awards, please?

I'm basing this on the game played by our compatriots in Cincinnati so don't expect too much in detailed rules. E-mail byewaybill@gmail.com with "fixes" and improvements, or just post them here for further discussion.

GO! Ride and have fun!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

here's some fun-----I'll play

Kathy Schein sent me this. Check their website for the real pix.\
Win a 2009 Genuine Buddy 125 and Help End Pet Overpopulation!!Raffle to be held on Feb 24, 2009 at the Spay-ghetti No Meatballs Dinner
Scenic City Scooters has partnered with Wally's Friends Low Cost Spay and Neuter Clinic to help end pet overpopulation in Chattanooga and the surrounding area. For just $20.00 you can purchase a raffle ticket to win a 2009 Genuine Tangerine Buddy 125 Scooter! Raffle tickets are available at Scenic City Scooters (2248 Dayton Blvd, Red Bank) and Wally's Friends (155 Unaka St, Red Bank). Drawing will be held Tuesday, February 24th at the Spay-Ghetti/No Meatballs Dinner and Silent Auction at The Gallery in Red Bank. You don't need to be present to win, but it sure will be fun to have you there. Tickets for this event are only $25.00 and include a catered dinner by Carrabba's with a wine, beer, and coffee bar included. While the drawing will be held during the dinner, it is not part of the silent auction. Tickets for the Scooter Raffle are separate and can be purchased before the dinner. Cost for the Dinner and the Tickets are separate. SCOOTERS FOR NEUTERS!!! Quick Links
Scenic City ScootersWally's Friends The GalleryGenuine ScootersContact Us
2248 Dayton Blvd.Chattanooga, Tennessee 37415
Subscribe to Our Newsletter!

Hope to see you at the Benefit Dinner and Good Luck!! Sincerely, Jen, Stan, Hugh & Kathy Scenic City Scooters

shiftless sister
Scooter Podcast here

Saturday, January 31, 2009

February 1st ride

I know I know, this is last minute but I wanted to make sure we got in at least one ride per month during the winter.
Tomorrow the high will be 60 F.
This is well above 50 degrees, my limit for cold.
So meet at the Hwy 58 Waffle House. 10:30 for breakfast and we'll start after eats. Could be a hour long ride. I"d like to go up 58 .
The Waffle House is right at the intersection of 153 and 58.
Y'all know what the sign looks like.

shiftless sister

Monday, January 26, 2009

FGM awards a big one

The second ever Goddess Award goes to our ride captain.
He single handed inserted my retirement calendar into this blog.
Now I can have a daily reference to my freedom

shiftless sister

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Where are you Old Scoot?


shiftless sister

I am so crazy, well ya'll knew that

I read in Scoot Magazine about a rally that only brought 12 people. We can do better than that!
So I went to tell Stan my idea. He said Hill City is having a fall rally. So I figure that we can plan a rally for Spring 2010.
I've talked to a musician about music, have ideas for events but am really falling short on logistics like where to have it, food etc. IF we plan well we can only have to charge to cover costs. Could be 20 bucks.
I have been thinking about a name. Something about spring? fossils?
I just sounds so cool. And since we have already had local press coverage I think it is time for a national debut.
Oh, this just came to me: something to do with debutantes but silly like the kudzu ball.

I"m asking any reader to comment with suggestions for any part.
shiftless sister

Community events

Stan Obal is hosting a vintage swap meet and camp out on April 18-19. The swap meet will be here at Scenic City Scooters from 9-3 and then they'll ride to Pikeville. www.motorcycleranch.com
Last year, was a rainy Sunday for the camp out; most folks stayed overnight, some just went up for dinner Saturday, some drove in a car (me). All are welcome. Reservations will be needed for the camp out.

shiftless sister

no dues no meetings just rides

For a while now slogans for Fossils Scooter Club have been percolating in this FGM's head.

I've settled on my choice: no dues no meetings just rides. This sums up what I want the club to be.
I've even had cards printed for us to hand out. This expense is one of my last spontaneous deeds I think. I've put myself on a retirement budget so when I retire in six months-----you heard it right---- I won't be surprised. Rday is 6/30/09 that's just 157 days away. If anyone knows where i can get a countdown clock widget let me know.

Well that was off topic.
I don't know how to make voting possible so just comment . If there are not too many nays I"ll move along to ask that this slogan put on the blog header. Voting will end January 30, 2009.
And certainly I"ll expect someone to comment on whether this is a slogan or motto.

shiftless sister


No this isn't gonna be about future farmers of america. It's about future FOSSILS of america.
I was surfing the net and wanted to see if there were other people using the name. I came across Fossils Riders and clicked. This club was for senior equestrians. But to keep the sport alive they had opened membership to younger riders as FFA.
That was a terrific idea I thought. So starting 2009 FFA membership is available. Tell any riders you see.

Wake up Wake UP

Hey all you fossils

Did you see how wonderful the weather is today? I can feel that our rides will start in the next few weeks. Sorry we haven't got one in this month. I like it when its 50 or more.

shiftless sister

Friday, January 23, 2009

This site may be of interest.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Yea, the Fossils have a new member. His name is Donald Miller and he lives in Oak Ridge Tn.

Yea, we are growing.

Don found our club whilst surfing the web and finding our blog. He rides to work every day so I think he is a candidate for Shiftless Sister's "In the Wind" awards. He shared these scoot pictures with me.
Mr. Bones

Interesting opportunity

You could ride your scooter to the monthly private opening of the VAAP. That's the Volunteer Army Ammunition Plant. Now you might ask why would that be interesting: well, the city of Chattanooga and Hamilton County are building a very large park in the area off HWY 58. Parks and Recreation want to show off what has been done and what is to be done in the two years, yes, two years before the park opens. They have van tours monthly. This month the tour is History of the park site 101 or something like that. The tour will cover the entire VAAP with an opportunity to see what the city and county have already done and to see the VW plant site. Cool huh? Sound interesting? read on
Call Parks and Recreations at 643-6079 to make your reservations for the FREE van tours.
The dates are: January 13th and 15th. Each day there are two tours 10 AM and 1PM.
Now call your buddies and make plans :)

Call soon so they will know how may vans to bring. Scoots can be parked and locked along the small road into the place off of HYW 58.
Calling 757-PLAY will let you hear the activities but not register.
Later, Shiftless Sister

Saturday, January 3, 2009