Saturday, November 22, 2008

Time for thanksgiving

Fellow Fossils,

This has been a tough year for me. Since last May both of my parents have died.
Having you as scooter buddies has been what I am thankful for this year. Bill Levy and Bill Tracy are such great guys. Since starting the club we have gained 40 or so members and taken many rides around Chattanooga.

Bill, Bill, and I plan to ride through the winter starting in December. We want to ride one weekend a month. So we can start up again, emails and phone calls will be made. We will ride in the afternoons to catch as much warmth as possible. No rides in rain, sleet or snow.

I have joined the S.P.A.Z. which stands for Scooter Patrol for annihilation of Zombies. I want to be prepared. My son Ben, also a scooter rider, agrees with me. So if you're interested contact me. has agreed to let the club link to their site. This is a small site for scooter stuff.
this is take place after the first of the year.

Finally thanks to Hugh, Kathy, Stan and Jen of Scenic City Scooters for all the support they gave us.

Peace be with you.
Shiftless Sister

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