Friday, February 26, 2010

Saturday oh Saturday where have you gone?

Fellow Fossils:
its another Brrr day. Only 22 degrees here in Harrison and with a planned high of 49. This high we can expect around 4:30 no matter what you've heard; 4:30 is the time.

The ride for tomorrow is CALLED OFF due to frigid temps. Yes, FGM is a wimp. My idea of a nice ride is not freezing my b'gibbers off. I like the rides to start at 45 degrees not 22. So even though the days are getting longer its not yet possible to start at 4:30 and let all get home before dark. Dark time = cold time at least for February.

Here's hoping for nicer days so we can ride. I miss seeing you. :(

Shiftless Sister

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

ride photos from 2.21.2010

So these are pictures our newest member, Bill [ ya another Bill] took. I think they came out great. No matter how much I go to the "Y" i'm still the short one.
Bill Levy and I rode from Harrison to the Dayton Bridge and Bill and Bill rode up the Soddy side. We ended up at the Cherokee Removal Site. It's almost complete but worth the ride to see the beautiful river and the marble memorial.
Now as to Saturday's ride; it doesn't look good.....temp won't get above 45 for the day and will drop to 26 the night before. BRRRR! But all could change I'll keep you posted.

Shiftless Sister

Monday, February 22, 2010

New member

WElcome Bill Luinetti. Bill found us via this blog. WOOHOO
A beautiful day found him joining Bill, Bill, and me on an impromptu ride. Bill's scoot is a 2009 Yamaha Zuma. I am sooo jealous of the handshields that came with it. My hands have been freezing in this cold cold weather.

So Fossils look forward to a ride next Saturday pending weather, ouch I hate to say that once again. We'll start from Scenic City @11:00. Ride Captn has yet to share the course but i"m betting it will no longer than 1.5 hours.

Shiftless Sister