Sunday, July 26, 2009

Anyone up for a trip to Chickamulga Battlefield and back via Missionary Ridge? Planning on leaving Scenic City Scooters at 8:00 Saturday, Aug 1.

Monday, July 13, 2009

What's the story morning glory?

Congrats to all of the early risers. Ben Levy says since we are Fossils he knew we were just getting "another early bird" special. Who cares what he thinks.
Everyone who rode gets 5 points since it rained.
To collect your points, this is just for yesterday, send a comment with your name. NO comment on why this has to be.
The country roads were great! Coming back to our house we had several ideas about future rides. Ideas were out Hwy 27, out to Ocoee, and over WhiteOak mtn.

So thanks for coming and we'll see ya as soon as the road capt. makes a new ride. He also should be putting the pictures online here.

shiftless sister

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Goddess Award

The second quarter Goddess Award goes to .....[drum roll if you pretend]...richardDREW. Congratulations Richard! I know we'll see you on many more rides. We'd miss your sandals and great spirit. smile

Shiftless Sister

countdown clock

Aren't you tired of seeing the blank countdown clock? Well so am I. I'm going to get it fixed.
Shiftless Sister

Country roads 7/12/2009 ride

I'll answer your mail.
I love riding on rainy days and there are 5 points for rain rides....even two drops.

Next we are trying to have rides alternating SAT/SUN to meet the desires of all you Fossils. Making it early leaves times for church before noon; depending on your church. Unless this ride is rain delayed; the next ride will be on a Saturday or late afternoon.
I checked while posting. the rain chances are 10% until 11:00 AM. Everyone should be home by then.

More on tomorrow's ride. Total miles from Hwy 153 and Hwy 58 is 40 miles. There will be two planned stops for fuel, rest, and other necessities. One will be at the second gas station we pass. This is 8 miles from the park. The second stop will be @Hwys 58 & 60 intersection. This is about 19 miles from the start. So all can plan gas etc.
Of course we will stop more often as needed.

We will now finish @ Levy's for a special snack:German chocolate & caramel brownies and fruit. There will be lemonade, ginger-ale, and water.

Shiftless Sister

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Rain rain go away

We've were rained out, rats!
Let's plan on next Sunday unless there is a major conflict.
Call Bill Tracy or Bill Levy or leave a comment.

Same time same place same ride

Shiftless Sister